Track Your Life with Boyd Varty
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
81 episodes of Track Your Life with Boyd Varty since the first episode, which aired on March 26th, 2020.
Day 19 - Track Awareness
April 20th, 2020 | Season 1 | 11 mins 19 secs
ant bear, body compass, career, david rattray, david whyte, martha beck, shaman, track awareness, tracking, wet
There are worlds are information in our worlds that we don’t even know about. As I was walking past the ant bear hole a miraculous thing happened. A honeyguide came and invited me on an adventure. The bird hovered near me chattering with intense excitement. I was deeply moved by the collaboration between man and nature. I stood alone really feeling it, my own ties to the hunter gatherers. Unfortunately it was late and I could not go with the bird.
Day 18 - Golden
April 19th, 2020 | Season 1 | 12 mins 55 secs
buffalo, comparison, judgement, leopard, life, lion, psyche, purpose, tracking
I’m also aware of how I have objectified myself. We think of ourselves as an object on a scale. We should be much further ahead or I’m not where I should be. I’m talking about a continuous comparative dynamic that is structured into a culture where everything is automated and commodities until your own psyche makes you a thing and judges that thing comparatively. Just think about how you drive yourself when you are exhausted. Just watch what you do to yourself when you start duding yourself. Inside that mind all the dimension of person gives way to something terribly binary. Good bad, failing winning or losing.
Day 17 - On the Trail of the Wild Man
April 18th, 2020 | Season 1 | 15 mins 38 secs
emily lamb, horizon, imagine, intention, masculinity, men, porcupine, simon bannister, wild man
What does it mean to be a man? It was often a question that seemed to be asked out of profound sense of something that had not been attained or out of the question is this it? That question is only ever asked in modern culture where all our definitions are from outside of us. Society makes us but what does it make if society is flawed.
Day 16 - Glimpses
April 17th, 2020 | Season 1 | 11 mins 35 secs
david whyte, lion tracks, miraculous, ordinary, raymond, roshi, storm, zen
Day 15 - Storming
April 16th, 2020 | Season 1 | 19 mins 29 secs
byron katie, chris rice, death, fear, how great thou art, life, lightning, lions, londolozi, rhino, scared, storm, the work, thunder
Then the world fell on my head. At 11pm I sat bolt upright and smelt the storm on the breeze and felt it in my body. It was windy instinctual but I got up and erected the tarp. I’ve watched myself learn fast how to handle the rain. My body had a current of energy running through it, it was like I could feel the future. Then came the mother and father of a thunderstorm. The volume was turned up to holy shit!
Day 14 - Compass Not Culture
April 15th, 2020 | Season 1 | 13 mins 18 secs
baboons, braiding sweet grass, carl jung, harmony, inner work, leopard
Harmony is when, by being yourself, you form part of the greater whole. A Shaman once told me that what we are trying to do as we live is balance our harmony with the intelligence of life. We stop trying to live well and we are lived. Our path and purpose comes through us by being who we most naturally are. And to look at any of the animals it just takes you there. I am in this tree to find my harmony.
Day 13 - Define Progress
April 14th, 2020 | Season 1 | 12 mins 15 secs
cultivate satisfaction, harry kirkman, ian player, luddite, premembering, renias, snakes, stars, technology
Have you ever had a memory of your future? Preremebering is an art form. It’s imagining out of a deep knowing what your life ought to be.
I’m interested what the future of human life could be and how we can create it.
We are poised for a great premembering. -
Day 12 - Learning To See
April 13th, 2020 | Season 1 | 11 mins 53 secs
ceremony, giraffes, ken tinley, leopards mating, pride of lions, shaman, tracking, transformation, tree, truth
The trick to transformational processes is how to interrupt and shape patterns, in order to do this you must look at the spaces between things. How everything is touching everything else in relation.
A many called Ken Tinley once tuaght my father how to see a tree. There is a difference between how something works and what it means. -
Day 11 - Paradise Lost
April 12th, 2020 | Season 1 | 12 mins 9 secs
dish towels, innocence, leopards mating, lourens van der post, mysterious, self conscious, shangaan village
Day 10 - Wayfinding
April 11th, 2020 | Season 1 | 12 mins 49 secs
butterflies, hudson valley, ian thomas, iron john, irwin, martial eagle, peter, polynesian, wayfinder, wild man
I am involved now in purposeful action towards an unknown purpose. Maybe there is an island out there. The Polynesian Wayfinders would sit on the front of a canoe and without any navigational tools would feel for an island of water. Homing. Ultimately you must captain your own canoe towards it intuitively must be.
Day 9 - Jurassic Park
April 10th, 2020 | Season 1 | 13 mins 8 secs
franciscan, mystic, rhino, sweet potato, unicorn
We have forgotten how to live. Your phone is not making your life more convenient. Delete Netflix. Stop watching the news. Turn off your wifi. Go to places where there is no power. Focus on nature and community. Have ceremonies. Explore. Induce reverence for life. Find the others who really want to live. Don’t fight the system, just abandon it.
Day 8 - Thank God for the Spade
April 9th, 2020 | Season 1 | 9 mins 2 secs
bull, elephant, frog, grasshopper, heat, hyena, spade, storm
Day 8 - Thank God for the Spade
My troubles all began with a frog. Actually it started when a grasshopper head butted me whilst using the toilet. I understand why people who live close to the earth belief in the changing moods of nature.
The elephant cow was unnerved by me, but I saw that she had run into a musty bull which was causing her agitation. At the last minute they crashed down the river bank instead of into me.
The temperature rose so much that it felt like I was at the devil’s for a barbecue. Then the wind came up and the temperature went from devil’s barbecue to Narnia within 6 hours. I felt like I was at sea in a storm.