Seek out characters to become one


August 29th, 2024

13 mins 42 secs

Season 4

Your Host

About this Episode

As a Story Hunter, I have found that remote places are often the natural habitat of wild characters.

Finding characters in life is becoming harder, as life becomes more homogenized. Characters almost always have found their own uniqueness and a path to express it. They seem to fit what they’re doing - they know what lights them up. They know what they have to offer. And almost always, they know how to live in a way that is unique to them.

Characters almost always have a different worldview, and they are often world class in an unusual field. When you spend time with a character who has mastered a state, your own sense of what is truly possible is expanded.

Characters help you imagine a world of possibility for yourself.


(5:40) Losing an arm to a crocodile
(8.10) Discovering your personal uniqueness
(11.25) Good reason to find characters


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