Track Your Life with Boyd Varty
How wisdom from the ancient art of tracking can teach you how to recognize the essential ingredients in a meaningful life.
About the show
Somewhere deep inside, you know what your gift, purpose, and mission are. Boyd Varty, a lion tracker and life coach, reveals how the wisdom from the ancient art of tracking can teach you how to recognize these essential ingredients in a meaningful life. Know how to navigate, don’t worry about the destination, and stay alert. These are just a few of the strategies that contribute to both successful lion tracking and a life of fulfillment. Trackers learn how to use all of their senses to read the environment and enter into a state of “greater aliveness.” When we learn to find and follow our inner tracks, we learn to see what is deeply important to us.
Track Your Life with Boyd Varty on social media
Roadtrip Edition | Story Hunter Part 2
March 7th, 2025 | Season 4 | 1 hr 56 mins
Part 2 of Story Hunter, Season 4 of the Track Your Life Podcast, is now available as a complete two-hour anthology - perfect for the next time you set out on the open road.
In Part 2, we go back to the wildest parts of the Kalahari Desert with the spirit of a Story Hunter, to learn about the ancient art of tracking.
Experience this epic journey, from start to finish – stream the complete Roadtrip Edition now!
Roadtrip Edition | Story Hunter Part 1
February 28th, 2025 | Season 4 | 1 hr 53 mins
Part 1 of Story Hunter, Season 4 of the Track Your Life Podcast, is now available as a complete two-hour anthology - perfect for the next time you set out on the open road.
In this 7-part series we chase stories to remote places, seek out unique characters, and breakdown the archetypal characteristics of stories that transcend time and space.
Dive into the uninterrupted storytelling adventure - Roadtrip Edition!
The Kalahari lion
December 5th, 2024 | Season 4 | 10 mins 47 secs
Tracking the Kalahari lion is an intense experience of extreme endurance, grit and absolute commitment.
Few environments cultivate extreme mindfulness like the desert. There is no margin for error here and I consider my own fragility.
The Great Dance
November 28th, 2024 | Season 4 | 16 mins
botswana, boyd varty, bushmen, great dance, kalahari, story hunter, storytelling, tracking
There is a beautiful feeling to driving into the middle of nowhere, and frankly anywhere west of Hukunsi is the middle of nowhere. The land is vast and empty. White desert sand, tall camel thorn trees, rolling plains of dry grass, that just goes on and on and on. The temperature gauge on the vehicle gives a casual outside reading of 46 degrees at three in the afternoon.
We bump along dirt roads into a wildlife concession roughly the size of Switzerland that not a single tourist visits. This land is not even game reserve, it's simply the Botswanan wild lands.
November 21st, 2024 | Season 4 | 12 mins 5 secs
In this episode we embark on what feels like a masterclass in desert tracking.
The first light of dawn hadn't yet cracked the horizon when I found myself breathless, feet sinking into the sands of the Kalahari, trying to match the pace of Kecao, Hamku, and Tamai, on the tracks of a cheetah.
The Road South
November 14th, 2024 | Season 4 | 11 mins 53 secs
We have begun our journey South. In Ghanzi we are warmly greeted by Anneli, who is a descendant of the Dorsland Trekkers, and can be described as the salt of the earth. She shares her knowledge with all the complexities and nuances that only a local can offer and offers a small window of insight into the complex interactions between traditional and modern ways of life in the Kalahari. I'm quickly learning that in this profoundly complicated world,, we often miss the multiple layers and complexity inside of every issue.
Last night in the Delta
November 7th, 2024 | Season 4 | 7 mins 22 secs
african sky, anticipation, boyd varty, bushmen, commitment, connection, delta, elephant, enlightenment, essence, everyday tasks, healing, heat, human connections, intimate reflections, kalahari, landscapes, love, master tracker, planner, reflection, ritual, sacred trance dance, sanctuary, story hunter, storytelling, strategic planning, strategy, survival, trek, untamed, wild
Our organic plans to meet with the Bushmen people are coming together. I am ready and excited to learn from the Bushmen people - who are renowned trackers and people of the land.
October 31st, 2024 | Season 4 | 12 mins 19 secs
adventure, african sky, aliveness, archetypal energies, botswana, boyd varty, consciousness, footsteps, hunter-gatherer, kalahari, lion tracker, lion tracking, majestic creatures, master tracker, mastery, otto james, perseverance, pug marks, pursuit of complexity, simplicity, spiritual liberation, story hunter, storytelling, wilderness
At sunrise, we cut the tracks of a male lion.
This episode follows our pursuit of this majestic animal through wild and dangerous terrain. Deep down, I feel my own hunter - a desire to compete and survive. I feel a million-year-old drive to find what I'm tracking. I feel how in the wild, there is no margin for error. A mistake out here can mean instant death. And this proximity to real death is paradoxically full of life.
Power of the pack
October 24th, 2024 | Season 4 | 14 mins 55 secs
africa, boyd varty, lion tracking, londolozi, safari, story hunter, storytelling, track your life, wilderness
Our first morning of tracking in the Delta starts early - following the tracks of a lonely hyena track with lacklustre enthusiasm. Suddenly, our morning takes an exhilarating turn and the energy of the group shifts, as we find ourselves on the trail of a pack of Wild Dogs - also known as African Wolves, or Painted Wolves.
Into the Delta
October 17th, 2024 | Season 4 | 13 mins 46 secs
The Okavango Delta is an incredible natural phenomenon that can be seen from space. When we land in Maune, we meet up with two fellow trackers, and graduates of the Tracker Academy, Otto James and Innocent Ngwenya. Personally, there is something very satisfying as a tracker to meeting up with other elite trackers on the edge of a massive wilderness. I couldn't be more excited. There is a feeling of adventure in the air.
Simplicity is abundance
October 10th, 2024 | Season 4 | 9 mins 47 secs
abundance, adventure, alex van den heever, boyd varty, camping, kalahari, londolozi, simplicity, storehouse, story hunter, storytelling, tracker academy
Imagine a time when nature was our storehouse. When we knew how to share and to simply be.
We knew we didn’t need much for our expedition to the Kalahari. For the Bushmen people, food surpluses are not prominent, as the environment itself acts as a storehouse - imagine a sense of deep psychological abundance and knowing you will always be provided for. -
The expedition begins
October 3rd, 2024 | Season 4 | 13 mins 39 secs
We are going into a rare place in modern times. We are going back to the wild.