Track Your Life with Boyd Varty

How wisdom from the ancient art of tracking can teach you how to recognize the essential ingredients in a meaningful life.

About the show

Somewhere deep inside, you know what your gift, purpose, and mission are. Boyd Varty, a lion tracker and life coach, reveals how the wisdom from the ancient art of tracking can teach you how to recognize these essential ingredients in a meaningful life. Know how to navigate, don’t worry about the destination, and stay alert. These are just a few of the strategies that contribute to both successful lion tracking and a life of fulfillment. Trackers learn how to use all of their senses to read the environment and enter into a state of “greater aliveness.” When we learn to find and follow our inner tracks, we learn to see what is deeply important to us.

Track Your Life with Boyd Varty on social media


  • Into the Delta

    October 17th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  13 mins 46 secs

    The Okavango Delta is an incredible natural phenomenon that can be seen from space. When we land in Maune, we meet up with two fellow trackers, and graduates of the Tracker Academy, Otto James and Innocent Ngwenya. Personally, there is something very satisfying as a tracker to meeting up with other elite trackers on the edge of a massive wilderness. I couldn't be more excited. There is a feeling of adventure in the air.

  • Simplicity is abundance

    October 10th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  9 mins 47 secs
    abundance, adventure, alex van den heever, boyd varty, camping, kalahari, londolozi, simplicity, storehouse, story hunter, storytelling, tracker academy

    Imagine a time when nature was our storehouse. When we knew how to share and to simply be.
    We knew we didn’t need much for our expedition to the Kalahari. For the Bushmen people, food surpluses are not prominent, as the environment itself acts as a storehouse - imagine a sense of deep psychological abundance and knowing you will always be provided for.

  • The expedition begins

    October 3rd, 2024  |  Season 4  |  13 mins 39 secs

    We are going into a rare place in modern times. We are going back to the wild.

  • A story apart

    September 19th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  38 mins 14 secs
    andreas sitole, boyd varty, david rattray, leverage, londolozi, morgan housel, stories, story hunter, storytelling, tracker academy

    When I was working as a safari guide, I would notice that a story could always shift the group's energetic momentum towards you, which is important when you are guiding. More than being a momentum shifter, a well-crafted story could, in the right moment, be profoundly transcendent.

  • The personal collective

    September 12th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  12 mins 13 secs
    african bush, boyd varty, depression, lion tracker, lioness, lions, londolozi, personal collective, safari guide, story hunter, storytelling, universal energy, universal truth

    If you have begun the journey of becoming a Story Hunter, you have become a character who finds characters, switched on your attention, learnt to see with the right kind of eyes, become someone who can create context. You are now ready to touch the core of what makes the story elevated. I call it the personal collective.

  • The unseen solitary path

    September 5th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  8 mins 10 secs

    There is a deep chasm between the making of art and the experiencing of it. When I am in that chasm - a solitary path - I know I must face the resistance in the now, knowing what it can give in the future.

  • Seek out characters to become one

    August 29th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  13 mins 42 secs
    boyd varty, characters, kruger national park, namibian beer, namibian desert, stories, story hunter, storyteller

    I have found that remote places are often the natural habitat of wild characters.

  • Nothing bad ever happened to a Story Hunter

    August 22nd, 2024  |  Season 4  |  16 mins 22 secs
    africa, boyd varty, lion tracking, londolozi, renius mhlongo, safari, story hunter, storytelling, track your life, wilderness

    Being lost is part of being found.
    In this episode, I share an experience of being lost while tracking lions in the wild African bushveld.

  • Stories are attention

    August 15th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  11 mins 28 secs
    40 days and 40 nights, adventure, boyd varty, buffalo, londolozi, story hunter, storytelling, tracking, tree house, wild stories

    How it looked to Amber - Stories are attention. If the truth is stranger than fiction, then the art of storytelling is not to make something up, but rather to really see what is there. Reality, if you look close enough, is almost always hilarious.

  • Be someone stories happen around

    August 8th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  11 mins 48 secs
    adventure, story hunter, storytelling

    If you are to become a Story Hunter you must live stories. You must find a way to say yes to life beyond the known.

  • How it started

    August 8th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  9 mins 26 secs
    african bushveld, ancient art form, anonymity, londolozi, martha beck, oral tradition, safari guide, shamanic art, shamanism, story hunter, storytelling, wilderness

    Story Hunter is an exploration of the art - and the magic - of storytelling.
    A person who can tell a story is gifted with the ability to help people understand and feel. A storyteller is an instrument for meaning.

    This show is an album of stories, and thoughts about stories. It is my hope that by sharing in my stories, you will you will become the architect of your own.

  • Activating the Campfire Consciousness

    August 15th, 2021  |  Season 3  |  5 mins 58 secs